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Almost a third of those responsible for fire doors do not understand fire door responsibility under Building Safety Act
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Government Introduces the Building Safety Bill
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NHBC – Fire Door Frame Inspection regime change
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Gearing up for Fire Door Safety Week 2020
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The New Fire Safety Bill
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Setting the record straight – our letter to Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick MP
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Legislating Fire Door Inspections
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Fire Door Safety Week 2019
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100% of timber fire doors pass MHCLG tests
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BWF CEO puts the record straight about reliability of fire doors
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MHCLG – Consultation Paper Released
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Timber fire doors demonstrate outstanding performance in ongoing MHCLG fire door investigation
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The BWF responds to Government adoption of the Hackitt Review
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Record supporters for Fire Door Safety Week campaign
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Three quarters of tenants would risk their lives by not following ‘stay put’ advice in a fire
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Welcome to the BWF Fire Door Alliance

The BWF Fire Door Alliance is operated and managed by the British Woodworking Federation (BWF). It is a scheme that champions third-party certification of fire doors and doorsets. Comprising of manufacturers of timber fire doors and fire doorsets, processors, distributors and suppliers of integral components, members share the vision that every fire door or fire doorset sold in the UK meets required standards throughout its service life.

The importance of third-party certification

Third-party certification is at the heart of the BWF Fire Door Alliance. Third-party certification means that the fire door manufacturer or processor is audited by an independent third party that checks that the fire door / fire doorset is tested appropriately and produced to a consistent standard.

Why work with a BWF Fire Door Alliance member?

BWF Fire Door Alliance members have committed themselves to a rigorous certification programme requiring a considerable investment in time and money. This commitment to quality helps to ensure that fire doors / fire doorsets achieve their purpose of protecting lives and property.

Timber fire doors – leading the way

All timber fire doors which underwent fire-resistance testing by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) were found to have met required standards, exceeding the minimum 30-minute burn time requirement. This is in direct contrast to glass reinforced polymer foam filled fire doors – three quarters of which failed MHCLG tests in results published in 2019.